what goes up must come down

11/03/2010 § 1 Comment

I returned from my trip to Patagonia in a glowing haze. Although I gained a little poundage from being 4 days seated in buses, I had a skip to my step, a gusto to my gait. I felt like I was floating.

Like I had said before, I have never felt better. I feel like I found a side of my self that lay dormant for, well, my entire life. There is nothing as liberating as being in a space of contentment. Until I read The Kite Runner.

One part in the book describes the main character’s, Amir, mom. She was talking with a colleauge about how frightened she was at being so happy. She was almost blissful, blushing. blossoming, blooming about where her life was and where it was going. She was pregnant with Amir at the time she recounted this trepidation to her friend. He asked why she was frightened about being so happy. She answered, because one is not meant to be this happy for very long. It always balances out which means that something must be taken away. She died giving birth to Amir.


So, my question to the force of balance is: am I happy because you already took something away or are you going to take something else away in the near future?

Such is the cynic who wants to live in a perpetual state of uncaring and malcontent.

Nevertheless, I am researching my options.

§ One Response to what goes up must come down

  • mom85 says:

    It’s not one or the other it just is. To be human is to be happy & sad, as is the degree. Take each happiness & sadness for what it brings to your life. How would you know if you’re happy, if you never know sadness? How would you be a moral, ethical, compassionate human if sometimes you don’t know/see/hear about the immoral, unethical and the unsympathetic that exists as well, then you choose. Life is always about choices…maybe not the choices you want, but in the end you’ll get to where you’re going.

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