making a decision

01/04/2010 § 1 Comment

Probably this generation’s greatest gift and curse: Making a decision and sticking to it.

Provided with so many options, we really don’t have to make up our minds on a lot of things like careers, life paths, having babies, getting married (why should we right?) Personally, I think it’s a societal evolution to not make up one’s mind about certain things that have a long-term impact. Life changes fast, nowadays. We have to be able to adapt.

However, with recent occurences, I have realized that making a decision can be very enlightening and empowering, taking control of a situation that, very much, should not be left up to “fate”. In fact, making a decision can be considered the very act of fate. Today, I like the word: very.

I have seen indecisivness in many facets of many people’s lives and it strikes me as odd and hilarious that we are so unsure of our actions, still intrinsically attached to some thought of divine determinism, trying to step away from culpability. I have thought about this for some time: When times are tough, people turn to God. The only explanation for that is that no one can fathom, believe, have faith, in their own capacity of change, how one decision can change the rest of their lives.

To me, the human mind is a very powerful thing and it frightens people. Sometimes, I am scared at the strength and determination expressed by some people. Because everyone is so scared of their own capacity, they created religion. Over and over, throughout the dawn of post-primate progression, we have marvelled at our evolution with a sense of unfathomable awe and wonder. We are frightened that we have become so different from our fellow animal inhabitants. If there was a God, He was the one who put the “why” in people’s brains in order to enslave them, to make people follow Him.

Even science tries to justify our evolution in a physical and chemical sense. When we learn not to touch fire, chemical signals are being sent from neurons in our finger-tips straight to a reactionary region in our brains. “Pull back!” Doesn’t that just prove how powerful our mind really is?

To come full circle: People are afraid of their true potential and power of their mind. They are afraid to make a decision because, ultimately, any consequences fall upon their heads. So, in order to escape from any ownership from their actions, people put their power into the hands of gods and fantasy, hoping that following fate will lead them to happiness and heaven.

I understand it’s scary. But today, I made a decision that I want to live with for the rest of my life because I choose it: Always respect yourself and others.

That is my personal commandment.

This idea has actually inspired a twisted ending in Chasing Patagonia that I cannot reveal because then it wouldn’t be twisted. I hope to get it finished one of these days, to share it with friends and family, get some real feedback.

The main point is: You can take life into your own hands and change it by making your own decisions.

§ One Response to making a decision

  • mom85 says:

    I think its also that human quality to leave room for back tracking. Too adult to take responsibility for choices…the need to not be responsible or to be able to blame something/someone else. The really funny thing is that most decisions once taken is okay, its a learning aspect of life that few embrace, but is so freeing, whatever the outcome.

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